I got a receipt!!!
She wasn't sure what exactly she wanted, but she knew how much she had to spend. Since she just had a birthday in March I convenced her she really didn't need any more toys. So to the DVD's we went. Most of the animated kid shows are over $10, so she decided on "A Cinderella Story" with Hillary Duff, one of the movies she likes to watch when it's on TV.
Emma was quite the shopper, at the cash register she handed the cashier the DVD & waited for the total. Saying "I have $5 on this gift card" again handing over the card, waiting for the next total of $2.95. Then from her purse she pulled her change pouch & retrieved her $5 bill. With her change of $2.05 she received her receipt!!!!
You know the first things she told me when we left the store is "I GOT A RECEIPT". That was also the first statement she shared when we got home & saw her Grammi & when Daddy got home. She still has yet to let them know what DVD was purchased or even watch the DVD.
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