10 years
I had my 10 year class reunion this past Saturday & Sunday. It hasn't changed much since high school. Our Saturday "night out" was at Prairie Meadows in the pavilion they had appetizers & a cash bar (free soda).
It's funny how the size of the class made a big difference in my two reunions this year. Matt from a large class (320+) & my small class (67), you can look back & read about Matt's (June 8 & 9 2007), we had a blast, nobody was grouped together they all just talked with everybody, no one was left out. My class on the other hand the groups that were friends in high school talked together & the stayed over in one section & the rest of us stayed over here. It was exactly like high school the "clicks" were still very much there. They were all very nice when you said hi, but not much conversation after that. Some of them asked about family, kids , living & when I asked back they would answer.
Matt enjoyed the night by watching the live horse races & I walked down memory lane with 3 friends that I hung out with in school. I did have fun, so We did end up going to the Sunday picnic with the family. Again the same groups were around, but the kids had fun at the park & it was fun to see my friends & their kids & see how they have grown.